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Climb to the Secret essay

Success in one’s life is a multi-dimensional phenomenon and one would easily wonder how a certain person became successful. Success is all about having your dreams come true through the necessary hard work. Although success needs hard work, being successful man/woman is not easy because ...

College Readmission Essay essay

The major reason I was dropped from Purdue University was that I had not any interest in studying. It was not clear to me why I should study; and yet, I was capable of running my daily activities with the knowledge I had. I considered doing something else, which I supposed was more relevant to what ...

Commemorative Speech Outline essay

Purpose: To pay tribute and show last respect to my late father Kelvin Wood Central Idea: The speech presents my sincere appreciation for what my father did towards making my siblings and me as successful as we are.   Introduction I reflect back and see how my father enabled me to enjoy the ...

Earthquake Preparedness essay

Disaster management is multi-dimensional in the sense that it involves both measures to prevent its occurrence, and measures to mitigate its outcome when it occurs in ways out of control. Los Angeles is prone to frequent earthquakes owing to its geographical position. Therefore, it became necessary ...

Keys to Success by Brian Tracy Video essay

In his talk, Brian Tracy comprehensively explores one of the most ambiguous aspects of human life: success. Success is the act of attaining fame, wealth, and subsequently respectable social status. Brain disagrees with various myths about success some of which view success as inborn. However, ...

Response to the Movie In America essay

In America is a dramatic film directed by Jim Sheridan. It brings out some of the challenges faced by American immigrants and their dreams. Johnny and Sarah, the main characters of the film, struggle to survive in the city of New York while doing jobs that they never intended to do. Johnny becomes ...

Texting and Driving essay

Road safety is increasingly becoming the centre of discussion, because in the recent past the death toll associated with road accidents is increasing. For instance, the situation is raising concern from the various stakeholders, and the big question would be what the cause of these accidents is? ...

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