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Essay Prompts – the Beginning for Writing

Essay prompts are, by definition, statements or questions that provide a very specific topic for an essay and, sometimes, a research paper. They are also quite common when students are asked to write admissions or scholarship essays, as part of the application process. Even employers have gotten into the act, often providing an essay prompt for an essay to be completed by an applicant. Despite some variance of definitions, in writing, prompts re basically cues for writing.

If the prompt is of interest, students tend to have an easier time producing an essay, and the reverse is true as well. We find that many students come to Paper-Writing-Company.com with a prompt “in hand” and request essay help. As a comprehensive essay service, we of course are happy to provide them a personal writer who will craft a perfect essay from the prompt, no matter what the topic.

Prompts Determine the Type of Essay and the Focus

Consider the following prompts:

  1. Recall an event in your life when you were horribly frightened;
  2. Describe an experience that impacted you so much that it changed the direction of your life.

Both of these will require a narrative essay of an autobiographical nature. Students generally can put their thoughts on paper, and the organizational structure is clearly sequential. When they have concerns about fluency, transitions, grammar, and such, they are welcome to place an order for our essay editing service. We have English experts who provide essay editing 24/7!

Consider the following prompt:

  1. Convince a Republican (or a Democrat) that his/her position on the food stamp program is wrong;
  2. Persuade your grandmother to get a Life Alert system without frightening her.

Clearly this will be an argumentative essay that will require some research into factual data. Students who do not have the time or the motivation for such writing will contact our online custom essay service, sometimes for the research and sometimes for an entirely original essay.

Paper-Writing-Company.com can offer any and all types of custom essay assistance to buy, and can always provide a qualified writer for an essay or paper in any topic field. We have wonderfully creative writers for essays of a personal nature; we have topic area specialists to conduct research and prepare and prepare informational and/or persuasive paper; we provide essay examples at a cheap price; we have book reviewers; we have consultants for graduate projects. All of our work is original, perfectly composed and accurately formatted, delivered on time, and guaranteed to meet with customer satisfaction and to earn a superior grade. You may contact us 24/7/365, place an order for your custom writing, and rest assured that it will be just as you have ordered!

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